In 2008 I qualified for the Women’s Pole Vault on the USA OLYMPIC Track and Field team.  Knowing that I had severe and painful nagging hamstring issues, I still competed and ended up 8th in the world at the Beijing Olympic Games.  It wasn’t until after this Olympics that I found PEMF.  My injury was so bad, (an avulsion fracture of the head of the Biceps Femoris on one hamstring, and a tear in the head of the Biceps Femoris on the other hamstring) that my training was at a standstill, and my Olympic dream was being tested.

PEMF PMT has allowed me to fully recover in a timely manner and I NOW have another chance at another Olympics.  The 2008 Beijing Olympics brought the dream into a reality, but the PEMF PMT keeps my body strong and more than healthy enough to train hard and compete even harder as I head into the next Olympic Games.  This PEMF PMT is a MUST for every athlete and training camp.

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